Zirnlona Ahldswerdwyn

Dragoon | Balmung, Crystal Data Center | RP Profile"For those we've loved, for those we've lost, and for those we've yet to find, look to the horizon, and move ever onward."Please Read "OOC Info" Before Approaching For RP

Character Profile

THE BASICSName: Zirnlona AhldswerdwynAge: 47 YearsGender: Female, She/HerSexuality: PansexualRelationship Status: In a Relationship (Monogamous)Date of Birth: 30th Sun of the 2nd Astral MoonPlace of Birth: Ishgard, CoerthasGuardian: Halone, The FuryCurrent Residence: Lavender Beds, Plot 10, 7th WardNationality: IshgardianOccupation: Keeper of Haven, Former AdventurerAlignment: Neutral Good

OTHER DETAILSFree Company: HavenGrand Company: The MaelstromEducation: Basic School/World WiseReligious Belief: Fairly Devout/SuperstitiousPrimary Job: Dragoon, Company LeaderSecondary Job: Miner, Botanist, & FisherManner of Speech: Lominsan Accent/Ishgardian Accent
(Zirnlona can switch back and forth between both, and prefers a Lominsan accent, but in times of great stress she defaults to an Ishgardian accent.)


GENERAL APPEARANCERace: Roegadyn - Sea WolfBody Type: AthleticHeight: 7'3" / 222.504 cmWeight: 237 lbs.Hair: Black, fading to grey/whiteHairstyle: Varies, Currently longEye Color: Gold / Glassy White (Blind)Skin Color: PaleClothing Preference: Comfortable, heavy clothes and large jackets. Form-fitting armor made for Dragoons.Posture: Often straight-backed, unless working at a desk, where she hunches over her work.Notable Features:Heavy Scarring
Zirn has many scars all over her body, but the most notable is one that stretches from the left side of her face, down her shoulder, and onto her torso. She recieved this scar during the Dragonsong war, and was severely crippled by the injury that caused it. Thankfully, the injury has healed as well as it could, and though it pains her from time to time, the only real detriment from the wound is the grisly scar that now marrs her body. Most of the time, Zirn wears a black bandana to cover the scarring. (Please note: The scar does not appear in-game due to character customization limitations, but it is there!!)
Lighter Scarring
Zirn has a number of smaller scars all over her body, as noted above from her years as a servant, dragoon, and mercenary. Though they aren't as obvious as her main scar, they show the wear and tear her body has endured in her 44 years, and her injuries have certainly taken their toll.
Graying Hair
Though she is not even in her fifties, Zirn's experiences on the battlefield have certainly aged her quite a bit. She looks several years older than she actually is.

Brief Character History & Relations

Brief History

Zirnlona traveled to Limsa Lominsa when she was very young from the harsh and cold lands of Ishgard. Formerly a servant to a noble household within the city, she fled after particularly harsh treatment to find a life of her own. Stowing away on a ship, the young roegadyn sought a life on the seas and became a privateer for the port city of Limsa Lominsa shortly after being found by the captain. She sailed for many years before eventually getting a ship of her own, and continued with her life as a privateer until she sought something more.She left her ship in the care of her first mate and traveled to Gridania, hoping to hone her skills in physical combat while there. Taking up the spear much like she had seen the Dragoons of Ishgard do, she practiced diligently.When the Dragonsong War escalated in Ishgard, Zirnlona knew she had to return. Despite her treatment, Ishgard was still her home. In the savage conflict, Zirn was gravely injured and lost her left eye. After quite a long time to recover, she formed a Free Company called Haven. Since then, she has served as its Keeper to provide a save space for adventurers and civilians alike, and has assisted in many conflicts of varying sizes (the Ala Mhigan v. Garlemald war being the most prominent).

Detailed History

Early LifeZirnlona was born to a pair of Roegadyn servants in Ishgard, who were employed by the Blackward family. The Blackwards were harsh masters, often treating their servants as slaves instead of individuals who deserved any proper respect. Zirn served the noble house alongside her parents, often subjected to the harsh hand of her master when she made mistakes. She earned several injuries in her time as a servant. Once, when she was only eight years old, she attempted to sneak some food from the kitchens that had not been eaten. Discovered by the master of the house, she was beaten and her wrist shattered with a rolling pin. Her mother tended to her wounds as best as she was able, but Zirn still occasionally feels the sting of pain, even to this day. Beatings were common for the Roegadyn, and after years of oppression, Zirn needed an escape. At the age of fifteen, she fled into the wilds of Coerthas, seeking refuge or death, whichever arrived first.Journey to LimsaTraveling to the west, she survived long enough to eventually reach the coast. Using what little money she had taken, she managed to find passage on a ship away from Coerthas and eventually arrived in Limsa Lominsa. Needing work, she offered herself as a crew member on several ships to earn her keep. After several years, she began to work her way up through the ranks. At the age of twenty seven, she eventually had enough money and connections to acquire and captain her own ship. The Siren’s Song became a privateer ship in the employment of the Maelstrom, and Zirn greatly enjoyed raiding and pillaging Garlean ships. The sea was her new home, for the time being.A New Life AshoreEventually, all things must come to an end. Zirnlona wished to retire from her time as a captain, and gave The Siren’s Song to her first mate, a Hyur by the name of Hannah Warsong. She traveled away from Limsa, ending up in Gridania. There, she began training in the way of the lance. It took her several years to become comfortable in the ways of combat, but she eventually became rather proficient with her weapon of choice. Zirnlona eventually returned to Ishgard and used her skills with a lance to train in the way of the Dragoon. During her time there, she participated in the Dragonsong War alongside her allies. In the ensuing conflict, she was gravely injured. She lost vision in her left eye, and it took her several long months to recover to her full potential once again.She returned to Gridania after her recovery and sought to create a place where adventurers and civilians alike could find solace or enlist the help of mercenaries, so she created Haven. Not long after, the Garlean and Ala Mhigan conflict escalated. Zirn left Gridania alongside several allies to begin combatting the Garlean threat. She often fought on the front lines throughout the entirety of the conflict, assisting the two nations in breaking the iron grip that the Garleans previously held them in.Journey to the FirstAs the conflict between Garlemald and Ala Mhigo began to die down, Zirn and her allies remained on the front lines to protect the camps from rogue bands of magitek and soldiers. In the dying conflict, Zirnlona was caught in a sudden ambush alongside her fellow Keeper, Blanche Silverclaire. In the ensuing fight, Blanche appeared to have lost her life. Zirn and the other Keepers grieved as they attempted to return Blanche to the world of the living, only to find that her body remained but her soul was unable to return. Her body was returned to Haven Hall when the Keepers left the front lines, and although no progress was made for several weeks on Blanche's situation, they never gave up.Several weeks after they had returned, Zirnlona and her fellows experienced intense headaches. There was no source, not until they all began to hear a muddled voice in their mind. One by one, the higher ranking Keepers succumbed to unconsciousness as their souls were wrenched towards the First. Now, they seek to help the people of Norvrandt in their fight against the ever-burning Light. None of them know how long it may take, or when they may be able to return to their home and bodies on the Source.


Loetrael AhldswerdMother (Deceased)
Aermward AhldswerdFather (Deceased)
Claude BlackwardFormer Master
Hannah WarsongFormer First Mate


Zirn loves to spend her free time on the shores of various lakes and seas, fishing for all kinds of aquatic wildlife. She can spend several hours fishing, sometimes doing so from early morning to late evening. She will bring back whatever she catches to Haven Hall to share, and often provides large meals for her allies. She has caught every fish that appears in Haven Hall's aquariums and is very proud of each and every one.
Zirnlona always has an urge to have a friendly spar with anyone willing. In her mind, sparring keeps up her mobility and makes sure she stays sharp for any and all conflicts that might come her way. If she is not buried in paperwork, she will most likely be found training against the dummies outside of Haven Hall. Fighting against an actual opponent can only make that better!
Socializing at Lominsan Bars
Despite not being born in Limsa, Zirn feels extremely at home amidst its people. She feels that she can let herself relax in their company, and will travel to the Drowning Wench in her spare time to exchange stories and a few drinks at the bar with any sailors that have recently come into port. She greatly favors Lominsan alcohol and will speak with anyone that buys her a drink...Within reason, of course. After getting some alcohol in her, she becomes much more jovial and can be talked into contests of strength and drink.
With what little spare time her other hobbies afford, Zirn enjoys reading in Haven Hall's library. She prefers stories about fantastical adventures over scripture that focuses on "real life", since she believes her own life is eventful enough. A good book and a warm mug of coffee or any other such beverage is a great way to calm her down after a particularly hectic day.
Gardening is one of the new hobbies that Zirn has taken up, and she's found that she likes it quite a bit. When she is not out fishing or doing odd jobs, she can often be found in Haven Hall's front yard tending to its gardens of fruits and vegetables.

RP Hooks

The following are various RP hooks you are free to use to craft stories with Zirnlona. If you have your own, that is wonderful as well!! I would prefer to have a bit of an OOC talk about how we know each other if you'd prefer them to know each other.~~A fellow servant of her household or another household in Ishgard.
Zirnlona was not treated well by her master, and tries not to speak about her time under his "care".
-A crewmate or privateer working from Limsa Lominsa.
Zirn spent quite a bit of time on the seas during her early life. Though she's changed, she still loves the crashing waves and the sound of strained rigging. A mug of mead with a fellow sailor, known or not, is a perfect time to spend an evening.
-A soldier she has met on the frontlines of the Dragonsong War, the Ala Mhigan Liberation, or the Doman Liberation.
*Zirn has experienced war many times, and will always help those in need on the battlefield. She also needs help quite often. She will never forget a fellow fighter on the battlefield, or perhaps she has been seen from afar. *
A merchant she has done business with in the past.
Zirn has sold many of her catches to merchants in Limsa Lominsa, and has now started selling fruits and vegetables she has grown too. Perhaps you are a merchant looking for wares? Zirn would be happy to discuss prices!
-An adventuerer or civilian spending time at Haven Hall.
Zirn makes sure that Haven Hall is open to all who need a place to rest, or someone to help them with a job. You simply need to walk up and ask!

The High Keeper

Current Appearance

Past Appearance

These images are intended for those that are 18+. I will NEVER RP or take screenshots with anyone under the age of 18.

OOC Information

Hello! Zirn's player here. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind while RPing with me!

Basic Information-- I am based in NA (EST) and am usually available in the evenings. However, with other activities, I'm not entirely active on FFXIV each and every day. A better way to ensure RP with me is via Discord. If you're interested, I'll give you my name.RP Information-- I will absolutely NOT RP with anyone below the age of 18. It's for my safety and yours.-- If you would like to be connected to Zirn in some way, let me know OOC and we can set up a bit of history! I love crafting long stories with people!! (This is most likely done better via Discord, so hit me up if you'd like to plot something).-- Dark and erotic themes are welcome after some RP between us. I prefer to have a reason to RP such things. Please read below for information regarding ERP.-- The Haven FC is always looking for new players. If you think you'd be a good fit, just let me know! Zirn would love to talk with you.-- Don't be shy if you see me standing around anywhere! I love walkups.ERP Information- I will absolutely NOT ERP with anyone under the age of 21.- All ERP will be considered "AU" (alternate universe) and will have no connection to Zirn's main story.- Those that have never RP'd with Zirn before or built a rapport with her will be considered "clients", and will be charged 200k per hour of ERP.- Lines and Veils (Absolute NOs) will be discussed BEFORE ERP OCCURS, so nothing is sprung up on anyone during the RP.- NO means NO, and I have the right to refuse anyone at any time.

NSFW Gallery

The images below are highly NSFW and contain sexual content. Please keep in mind that, while I do have NSFW images of Zirnlona, she is not strictly an ERP character. She enjoys to indulge just like any other person. If you are interested in ERPing with Zirn, please check my OOC information.I will absolutely NOT ERP with anyone under the age of 21. This is for my safety and yours.All screenshots are mine unless credited otherwise.